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Fundraising Chair Report June 2024

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We have had a very successful year fundraising supporting 30 various charities or good causes, during the year with a total of just over £17,000 distributed. Donations ranged from £50 to £3000 and all were greatly appreciated. These include some International and Foundation Charities but the majority of funds supported local Community or Wales-related Charities or good causes. Attached is a spreadsheet supplied by Treasurer Sue showing this year’s donations and donations for the previous 9 years showing that during this time we have donated just over £140,000. It was a massive result for a small club.

Narberth Outdoor Rock proved a huge success run in conjunction with Narberth and Whitland Rotary and Narberth Rugby Club. Many thanks to the NOR Committee and all members, for all of their hard work, a lot is involved in running this event.

What can I say about our Pig Roast and Duck Race, apart from we must hear a repeat reading of Kenna’s little story about it. The tide was predicted to be High, which we thought would be useful for the duck Race, but wow it was exceptionally high, we were serving Pork Rolls to Canoeists !!!. Thanks ?? to David for arranging this event!!! Thanks to Gwendraeth Canoeists who collected in most of the ducks, but some might be Swanning !! it’s up in sunnier climates now. Towels or Swimsuits might have been useful.

Our Santa Run was held in Narberth for 2023 and was really well attended with all ages attending from babies to Pensioners who all completed the Course, supplying suits for the younger children this year proved very successful. I suggested to one pensioner to cut part of the course of at the Town Moor but she was adamant to finish the complete route. Donations from this are given to Foodbanks. Huge thank you to Ken for organising this event so successfully and to the Narberth Cadets for marshalling the course and ensuring everyone returned safely.

Our Scarves have slowly been selling, but we had a great Article in the Magazine which generated some more sales, we now have 45 Pink and 7 Purple left. Thanks to District Governor Mary for her efforts in promoting this. Profits all go to End Polio.

Our latest Fundraising event was our Horse Race evening at Narberth Rugby Club. The evening was very entertaining considering most of us did not know anything about how the Horse race system would operate, we managed to work it all out and everyone attending enjoyed the fun of seeing wooden horses being pulled on ropes across the carpet at the club. Many thanks to all the Race Sponsors, the horse owners and all who attended. Also many thanks to Mr Rob Newsome and his family for running the betting system and providing the running commentary. We raised £1110.30.

Many thanks to all for your support during the year
JUNE 2024

Narberth & Whitland Rotary
We are neighbours, community leaders, and global citizens uniting for the common good. With you, we can accomplish even more.
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